Friday 30 August 2013

Wendover Arm, Grand Union Canal (a journey full of fauna)

The good citizens of Berkhamsted were enamoured with Brian and Jane's workmanship and both sold out, nearly. We managed to escape after two weeks in the one pound, which is the longest we've spent anywhere since leaving Bradford on Avon. Here is an animal named Oedipus(sy).

Here is a narrowboat camouflaged for the African canals.

We very much enjoyed cruising up through the eight locks to Cowroast, where once upon a time the cows were rested, not roasted. On a splendid walk along the Chilterns Way we stopped for a quick gander at the stocks and duck pond of the little village of Aldbury. 

Along the footpath we discovered a tree. It were laden with juicy purple orbs. They were victoria plums. They joined the blackberries in the collecting receptacles. I can feel a crumble coming on.

Here is an animal that has had a close shave. Although retaining a perm on the top of its head.

The good ship Emily Bronte set off for waters new, negotiating a tricky turn onto the Wendover Arm at the Bulbourne junction.

We were pleasantly surprised (although are not all surprises a form of aggression) to find an undiscovered and unmapped (at least in our guidebook) half mile of canal. We moored with our bows touching the very terminus of the waterway, passing the last winding hole, much to the amusement of the local fisherfolk.

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